Thursday, 30 April 2015

Haagen Dazs New Menu: Coffee Meet Ice Cream or Ice Cream Meet Coffee?

Never crossed in my mind that in would be this crowded when I came to open rice gathering in Haagen Dazs, Senayan City, their enthusiasm to this gathering was fantastic. I’m gonna talk a lil bit about Haagen Dazs history first, as you know Haagen dazs is an ice cream brand, established by Reuben and Rose Mattus in Bronx, New York, in 1961. Starting with only three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and coffee, the company opened its first retail store at 120 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on November 15, 1976. First time I knew about Haagen Dazs I’m guessing it was like originally from Germany or Denmark and I knew I was right, so Mattus invented the “Danish Sounding” “Haagen Dazs” as a tribute to Denmark exemplary treatment of its Jews during Second World War, and included an outline map of Denmark on early labels. The name is not Danish, which has neither an umlaut nor a digraph zs, nor did the name have any meaning in any language before its creation. Short story Haagen Dazs founder was born in Poland in 1912 to Jewish parents. His father died during the first world war, and his widowed mother emigrated to New York with her two children in 1921. They joined an uncle who was in the Italian lemon ice business in Brooklyn. By the late 1920s, the family began making ice pops, and by 1929, chocolate covered ice cream bars and sandwiches under the name Senator Frozen Products on southern boulevard in the south Bronx, delivering them with horse drawn wagon to neighborhood stores in the Bronx. The Senator Frozen Products Company was profitable, but by the 1950s the large mass producers of ice cream started price wars that Mattus couldn’t fight, and in 1959, he decided to form a new ice cream company with what he thought to be a Danish sounding name, Haagen Dazs, a move known in the marketing industry as foreign branding. In 1983 Haagen Dazs was bought by Pillsbury and in 2001 general Mills bought Pillsbury. In the United States and Canada, Haagen Dazs products are produced by Nestle subsidiary Dreyer’s which acquired the rights as part of the General Mills-Pillsbury deal. The brand name is still owned by General Mills but licensed to Nestle in the US and Canada. The business now has franchises throughout the United States and many other countries around the world including Indonesia :D. So in this gathering Haagen Dazs was given me four menu ohh wait I think it was five included their tasty brownies :9, the first one is called cookies and cream espresso, it consist blended cookies ice cream and cream ice cream accompanied by a cup of double espresso and mini scoops of ice cream (IDR 60k) cookies and cream wow that’s a good combination you should try it

Cookies and Cream Espresso

second one is called tiramisu coffee well basically it was a simple homemade coffee mix with haagen dazs and you know what so special about this? Because it’s only demonstrated in this gathering and not for sell for public so sorry guys you couldn’t try it because their tiramisu tasted great. 

Tiramisu Coffee

And the third one is called ice café late, it consist an espresso coffee mixed with frothy milk and it’s pretty cheap only for IDR 26k. 

 Ice Cafe Latte

I ain’t finished yet cause there is two menu more that I’m gonna tell you which were mocha dreamland and their brownies. Mocha dreamland, it consist Belgian chocolate ice cream mixed with an espresso and coffee jelly served with two scoops of ice cream on top (IDR 60k) it pretty worthy with that big portion and the price I think it’s very friendly. 

Mocha Dreamland

And the last one I can tell you couldn’t resist these brownies because it was really tasted amazing especially for you who love chocolate! 


There is also latte art lesson from Haagen Dazs :D

Latte Art Lesson

And for you who are Muslim ain’t nothin to worry about because surely my auntie has called BPOM first haha.

Senayan City, Lantai 5 
Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta
00 8071272727

Indonesian Food Numero Uno!

On February 14 I’ve got an invitation by The Best Indonesia Restaurant that I’ve ever had, Ayam Goreng Aroma yeah that’s the name of this restaurant. Well technically my friend invited me to come because he got the invitation from them and ask to bring more guests. Located in Matraman, East Jakarta, near BCA building or if you have trouble to find it, this restaurant was next after dapur solo restaurant. 

First time I heard ‘bout this restaurant honestly I didn’t expected that much but wow it turned out that this restaurant was really awesome, not just I love their interior, the food but the owner Ms. Eva also very kindly, she even cooked it for us, I really wanna thanks for that. For the interior they have a minimalist concept, they wanna make the customers feel comfy, warm and feel like you’re eating in your own home.


Okay let’s talk about their food now. For the starter we ordered tahu (tofu) pletok (IDR 15k) it’s tahu aci goreng from tegal that served with ketchup sauce. The tahu pletok was originally made from tofu and sago, it tasty yum yum a good one to booze your appetite. 

Tahu Pletok

For the main course we ordered nasi goreng (fried rice) rawon  (IDR 35k) this was a unique dish because you know why? It’s because it was a combination between fried rice and rawon mixed into one dish. It consist salted egg, emping, kerupuk udang, sambal terasi (be careful with this one because this sauce was so spicy) and rawon. The rice has a fragrant aroma, and when you taste it, it was nice, the flavor was good. 

Nasi Goreng Rawon

Nasi royo royo (IDR 35) it consist fried chicken, golden squid rica rica, daun singkong ikan asin. This one was not savory but the chicken and the squid tasted good. My opinion is that they need to upgrade the flavor for this dish. 

Nasi Royo-Royo

Nasi Royo-Royo, Nasi Goreng Rawon, Wedang Uwuh, Ayam Goreng Kremes (From Top, Left, Center, and Right)

Ayam goreng (fried chicken) kremes, ayam goreng kremes in this restaurant is different than the usual ayam goreng kremes because they fried the kremes together with the chicken so it will make the kremes wrapped the chicken. It was crunchy, savory and tasty.

 Ayam Goreng Kremes

Lontong sapi guling (IDR 35) it consist beef that served with lontong and ketchup sauce along with it. It tasted sweet and spicy, the meat was tender, and you gotta be careful with the rawit (chili) because there are a lot of them but it makes this dish so kickin! 

Lontong Sapi Guling

Nasi liwet semarang (IDR 25k) it consist savory rice, opor ayam, tofu, telur (egg) pindang, sayur labu siam, and krecek (fat). Ms. Eva made this special dish to us and it tasted delicious, the rice has a fragrant aroma just like nasi goreng rawon, and the tofu was the champ! I love all the food presentation that they gave it to us. 

Nasi Liwet Semarang

For the dessert I ordered es aroma (IDR 20k) it consist coconut, nata de coco, kolang kaling, cincau hitam, selasih and it tasted sweet.

Es Aroma

Oh wait I almost forgot that I also ordered wedang uwuh (IDR 10k)it consist salam, cengkeh, jahe, gula batu, kapulaga, kayu secang, honestly I never like wedang but this one tasted so natural, sweet and I suggested you to drink this one while it’s hot because if it’s not it will tasted a lil bit bitter. Wedang uwuh has advantages like it will make your skin softer, make the blood stream smooth, and increase your stamina

Wedang Uwuh

Jl. Matraman Raya No. 18 
Matraman, Jakarta
021-29704981 EXT: 415